syringe, vaccine, vaccination

Seniors and the COVID-19 Vaccine

As we spring into the second quarter of the new year, we want you to head into the new season feeling confident and prepared; armed with the necessary updates on COVID-19.

Although many local municipalities and states have chosen to lift mask mandates, it is imperative that you continue to protect yourself by wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social

distancing. This is especially important for our aging population and those with comorbidities. If you are age 60 and above or have pre-existing conditions, consider getting the COVID-19 vaccination. According to the emerging literature, receiving the COVID-19 vaccine can reduce mortality from the virus significantly. Current side effects have been reported to be mild and receiving the vaccine can help to mitigate the severity of symptoms if you were to contract coronavirus. Please do not be misled by folklore claims that having had COVID-19 will prevent subsequent infection.

It has been reported that you can still contract COVID for a second time, due to the rapidly changing nature of the virus and presence of multiple strains. 

Lastly, if you’ve had the COVID-19 virus, you should postpone vaccination until you’ve been symptom free for 90 days. This will allow time for strengthening the immune system.

Below you’ll find a list of resources to help answer your questions about the vaccine and where you can register to receive your COVID-19 vaccine.